My Life In Combat Boots
National Veterans Memorial & Musuem
Women Who Inspire: Military Mom’s Spotlight
In celebration of Military Appreciation Month and Mother’s Day, we celebrate, honor, and remember the stories of Military Moms across the country. This week we connect you with a motivated, passionate, and dedicated Military Mom, Amy Cotta, whose son SSG Tyler Zych has been serving in the United States Marine Corps since 2011.
Chattanooga Times Free Press
Cotta Honors our Country's Real Iron Men Each Time She Runs
How far do you think you'd get running 26.2 miles in combat boots while carrying a backpack covered with photographs of 21 servicemen who died defending our country? And consider that Cotta's run came after biking for nearly 116 miles and swimming more than a mile that same day.
Wrangler Network Spotlight
Memories of Honor Seeks to Make Every Day Memorial Day
It was a moment that would change not just her own life but also the lives of countless military families around the country.
The Tenneessean
Running for Others
Every few paces of the half-marathon, Franklin resident Amy Cotta received a thank you.
Dressed in military camouflage, combat boots and 21 photos of fallen soldiers, the woman was there to represent her son, military members and her family.